1st Primary
Introduction of the concept of the ten through magic. It all started when we had to introduce the change of units to the ten, since I could not find any activity that was motivating enough to use it to achieve this end. For this reason, I started to think and it occurred to me to explain it through magic, using a "double bottom" bag as follows: One day in the morning I came to class explaining that the previous day in the afternoon I had met To a magician and that he had been helping me to become a magician all afternoon. Later, I asked them if they wanted me to do a little magic for them and since they immediately told me yes, we got down to work. I had 10 erasers put in the bag and after saying the magic words, those erasers disappeared and became 1 large eraser. After checking that the bag was empty, they were amazed! 2º - I made them put 10 pencils and after saying the magic words ... they disappeared and turned into a giant pencil. Here they hallucinated even more! .3º - They put 10 blue cubes (same as the color of the units) and after saying the magic words ... they disappeared and became a wand (red in color like the tens) just as big as if you put 10 of the blue cubes in a row. From here we began to analyze and verify that if you put 15 blue cubes, these became a red wand and 5 blue. Why? (We did this with several numbers to help them deduce that only groups of 10 units became wands.) The truth is that they immediately understood the concept and were delighted.
The friendly operations of ...
It is a game of mental calculation. To play we will only need the templates where they will have to record all the operations that occur to them and that result in the number that appears in the center of the template and a marker. There are different game options: 1st- Give the whole class the same template to see who can fill in all the boxes correctly (we can put time or not). Whoever gets it, wins a building piece. 2nd- One player against another. They stand with their backs to each other, placing a building piece in the middle. The first to correctly fill in all the boxes wins and takes the construction piece. 3rd- Beat your own record. A single student is given time to see how many templates he is able to fill in correctly in that time. If you exceed your previous record you win a piece of construction. At the end of the week they will be given time so that they can freely play with the pieces that they have obtained throughout the week. This game has been a success, they are greatly improving their mental calculation ability!
The house of addition and subtraction
  • casa de la suma llevando, sumas llevando
  • casa de la suma llevando, sumas llevando
  • 2nd Primary
    The house of addition and subtraction carrying
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